Hi my name is Lukas. I have been working with Kambo since 2016 and since 2017 I have been accompanying people through the process with the frog medicine as a certified Kambo practitioner from the IAKP.
The training with the IAKP laid the foundation for the years that had to come. Through my constant work for many years, including on many retreats with healing methods from the rainforest, I experience a lot of inspiration and my relationship with the frog medicine is constantly deepening. In recent years I have been able to witness and accompany many healing and development processes with the frog medicine. I mainly work in and around Berlin, but I'm also regularly on tour with the frog in other parts of Germany and Europe :)
My studies with the medicine were strongly influenced by my travels to the indigenous tribes of the Amazon. There I was able to spend time and learn with the Katukina tribe. The Katukina of Acre in Brazil are considered the guardians of Kambo. With the Mastes in Peru, it is the tribe that has the strongest connection with Kambo for the longest time...the origin of medicine, so to speak. The time with the Huni Kuin and the Shawanawa also inspired my work a lot.
"You should never receive Kambo from a lazy man," say the Amazonian Indiginous, aware that the person you receive Kambo from influences the process and its effects. This is one of the reasons why I pay great attention to my own personal development, purification and clearing of my mind. My own intensive work with frog medicine, as well as other medicines from the Amazon, as well as various other practices and modalities with the aim of spiritual and personal development have shaped my last years. My intention is to go into every session that I accompany as clear, centered and grounded as possible. This is the only way I can hold a clear and open space in which my clients can feel safe, open up and trustingly surrender to the medicine.
It is a heartfelt matter for me not only to accompany people who feel the call of the frog, but also to give them impulses and guidance that they can use on their way to better health and more consiousness on all levels. Knowledge and experience from the last 20 years of my personal spiritual path flow into this. Contemplative practice, yoga, pranayama, regular periods of fasting for 15 years, trauma healing, the study of various spiritual traditions, modalities and literature on holistic health and consciousness are tools I use in my work.
It is very important for me to say that I do not see myself as a healer. It is my role to create an open, clear and competent space in which people and medicine can meet. The medicine does the work. Even if it can often alleviate symptoms or even heal them, the main goal of the work is to strengthen people's ability to activate their self-healing powers and to help themselves. Only in this way can the wonderful effects of medicine be integrated into life in the long term. Kambo can often support this process in a magical way. (Wo)Man becomes his(her) own healer.
The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing. None of this information should be considered a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, a legal warranty or a guarantee of results to be achieved. This information is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professionals. You should not use this information for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment or care, starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
Photos: Tanja Siren