Every tribe that works with Kambo has its own legend about the origin of the frog medicine. The most widespread comes from the tribe of Huni Kuin from the Amazon rainforest in Brazil.
It says that once the people of the tribe were all afflicted by a serious flu-like illness. The shaman, named Kampu, tried everything in his power to free them from the disease, but none of his remedies were successful. Then, under the influence of a sacred visionary plant medicine, he went into the forest and met a female forest goddess. She was carrying a frog in her hands. She extracted the animal’s white secretion and showed him how to administer it to his tribe members. He returned to the village, followed the instructions of the deity and was able to free all his brothers and sisters from their suffering. After Kampu’s death, his spirit entered the frog and continued to work in it for the benefit of the people of the forest.
The secretion became known as Kambo (some tribes also call it Sapo, Kampu, Dow-Kiet). For thousands of years, Kambo has been used for healing purposes by many indigenous tribes of the Amazon. They use it in the treatment of malaria, snakebites, fever, infections, etc. Another field of use is before hunting or fighting to strengthen the mind and body and increase their energy levels and stamina. Interesting is also the use to remove ''Panema''. Panema describes a term that can be translated as dark aura or negative energy. It is Panema that is held responsible for the fact that people feel unmotivated, unhappy, depressed or in a bad mood.
It was not until around 1990, initially through the Brazilian cities, that it found its way out of the forest into the rest of the world. In the last 10 years, it has become more and more popular and accessible around the world. People appreciate the purifying, healing and transformative properties of Kambo. This probably goes hand in hand with the growing need for more meaningful life. Kambo can respond to this need by helping us rebuild a deep connection to our environment and ourselves. It can help us to lay down what is burdensome and no longer useful and to assume responsibility for our own lives. By doing that, we can get closer to our true purpose and experience more meaning in our lives.
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