Italian scientist and Nobel Prize nominee Vittorio Erspamer from the University of Rome was the first person to examine Kambo in the laboratory. In 1986 he wrote that the Kambo secretion contains "a fantastic cocktail of potential medicinal benefits unmatched by any other known amphibian". He was referring to the bioactive peptides contained in the secretion, i.e. organic compounds of amino acids. Bioactive means that they regulate different functions in the body on a biological level. Biochemically, the peptides are very similar to hormones. A large part of the hormones acting in the human body are bioactive peptides. Since Espamer's first investigation, the individual ingredients of the secretion have been scientifically researched in detail. So far, around 20 peptides have been found in the kambo secretion that are bioactive.

The secretion is not poison. After application of the secretion, a complex of symptoms occurs which, viewed from the outside, resembles poisoning or an allergic reaction. However, this is not the case. The symptoms are due to the pharmacological effect of the individual bioactive peptides of the Kambo secretion. None of these are toxic to any tissue of the human body.

Mechanisms of action include, but are not limited to, smooth muscle contractions, dilation of blood vessels, tachycardia, stimulation of gastric and pancreatic secretions, stimulation of adrenal cortex and pituitary glands, etc., resulting in hypotension, flushing, palpitations, nausea, vomiting, increased bile secretion, and angioedema (swelling of the face).

The in vivo and in vitro effects of the kambo secretion or individual components that have been examined in studies:

  • The antimicrobial properties, that has shown to work against many

-Bacterial strains (Staphylococcus aureus, E. Coli etc)

- Viruses (papyloma virus, herpes virus etc.)

-Fungi (Candida albicans, Aspergillus fumigates etc.)

-Parasites (Schistosoma mansoni, Leishmasia amazonesis etc)

  • The hypotensive properties,

  • analgesic and anesthetic properties,

  • anti-inflammatory properties,

  • efficiency on certain types of cancer cells (prostate, pancreas...),

  • increased resilience to stress,

  • increased physical endurance,

  • etc.

There are now 70 patents on individual substances in the secretion (mainly in the USA). The Kambo secretion as a whole in its natural form is a holistic healing agent that works on physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual levels. We are still a long way from scientifically understanding Kambo in its entirety.

If you want to delve deeper into the scientific side of Kambo, you can research the following peptides:

  • phyllocaerulein

  • phyllokinin

  • phyllomedusin

  • phyllotorin

  • dermorphine

  • deltorphin

  • tryptophyllin

  • dermaseptin

  • adenoregulin

  • caerulein

  • Sauvagine

  • Bombina variegate

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